What is "Foie Gras"? Made from the fatty liver produced by overfeeding ducks and geese, foie gras is considered a delicasy in most countries, in either whole or pate form. To reach the desired texture and flavour, the animals are forcefed, some dying in the process, and others sure to die if the the excessive feeding were to continue. Their livers grow to 6-10 times the normal size, many haemorraging before it the animals are ready to be killed.On the left, a normal sized liver; on the right, one for foie gras They are kept in cages alone, usually, with only their heads protruding. This way, the feeders can easily grab only the heads of the geese and force their beaks open. It is very efficient, so that an hour can have up to 1000 animals fed. Occasionally, the food is accidentally pumped into the air pipe instead of the food pipe, and the animals die. They can also suffer neck breakage or other more minor injuries, including bruising and cuts.
The captivity The enlarged livers can cause difficulty in breathing for the birds, and the enclosed area in which they are forced to live causes great emotional distress as well as physical pain -- they cannot preen each other or themselves; they are forced to abandon all natural behavior. Ducks and geese are often reported to pant a lot, particularely in the later stages of their "preparation". What can you do? The best advice is to make sure you don't eat foie gras, and tell restaurants which serve it why. Ask them to stop serving it! And spread the word. Tell friends, family, anyone that will listen -- and even some who won't -- about the brutality behind foie gras.